Saturday, 4 May 2013

Our final destination

Hello again! This is our last week on tour and our final destination is Norway. We hope that you enjoyed our trip from Nigeria till Norway. Today we are going give you some more information about Norway.

Norway is one of the world’s most northerly countries, and one of the most mountainous countries of Europe. The country has one of the longest coast-lines in the world, 25,148 kilometres. It is surrounded by the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. The country has a long land border with Sweden (1,619 kilometres), a shorter one with Finland (729 kilometres), and a still shorter border with Russia, as short as 196 kilometres!


During the last ice age, the entire country was covered with a thick ice sheet. The movement of the ice carved out deep valleys and when the ice melted, the sea filled these valleys and that is how Norway’s famous fjords were created.  Spectacular, isn’t it?


Statistics estimated that Norway’s population reached the 5,000,000 milestones in 2012.
During the last decades, Norway has an increasing number of immigrants, foreign workers and asylum-seekers from all over the world. 

The country joined the EU in 2004.Oslo is the capital of the country and is the governmental centre of it. The city is the hub of Norwegian trade. The second-largest city of Norway is Bergen.

Although the country is 32% located above the tree line, the climate is more temperated that one should expect. How come? It is due to the North Atlantic Current raising the air temperature and bringing this mild air on land.

There is a lot of rain in autumn and early winter especially along the coast and April to June is the driest period. 

Oslo, which is situated to the east of the mountains has a more continental  climate, which means less rainfall,  more sunshine and warmer summers. 

Temperatures in summer reach about 25°C and in winter temperatures can drop till -30°C and even -40°C. So, severe cold in winter.

I hope this ‘geographical’ trip has arisen your interest in the country of the Vikings. 

Thanks for following us all the way to Norway. We hope you have enjoyed it. We hope to welcome you on our next travel route. We keep you informed.



Three relevant-life examples:


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